“Training After Sports Hernia Repair”
I’ve been working everyday with @leoodood to get him back on track following sports hernia surgery. Leo has presented pretty damn good 8 weeks post surgery.
He’s reporting no pain and his range of motion is much better than expected on re-entry to training. Primarily he lacks internal rotation both passive and active and has an anterior tilt making authentic hip extension difficult to achieve. Other than improving those particulars our goal is to build general strength since he’s new to the gym and develop aerobic fitness since that is a major demand in his profession. He doesn’t regularly participate in strength training but as an avid snowboarder and forest firefighter he’s physically active.
Here is a glimpse at what we’re doing:
1). Active Hip Rotation Articulations
Following breath work and active mobility drills Leo works on active hip rotation drills. The goal is to progressively challenge the control and proprioception around his hips to better adapt and absorb everyday stress.
2). Multi-Directional Movement Drills
I’m not looking for Leo to move like an NFL draft prospect but movement drills are important to help remove guarding and develop multi-planar agility. Following surgery many people will shy from dynamic movement and lose the ability to move freely. In addition to ladders we are also incorporating shuffling, skipping and multidirectional hopping.
3). Multi-planar Strength Exercises
Leo has never participated in a consistent strength program. While instructing Leo on basic strength progressions like Deadlift, Goblet squat and TRX Rows we’re also challenging him to train strength in the frontal plane. Leo had very little frontal plane hip mobility when he started but has already made huge gains.
4). Core Strength/ Progressions
We started with basic approaches like planks and 6 point crawling and have progressed quickly to anti-extension drills like ball rollouts. I have intentionally included loaded carries daily as that is a common demand in his profession and will help develop both his core stability and work capacity.
The truth is I hate the term “Sports Hernia.” It’s a nondescript trash bucket to throw all the symptoms associated with abdominal/femoral/pelvic overuse injuries. I understand that the doctors have to call it something but I feel that the broad diagnosis and associated surgery feeds “client diagnosis syndrome.” Many clients just want to be told they have something to provide themselves piece of mind and a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a scalpel.
Returning someone to full activity is not rocket science. Communicate well with the PT, be vigilant with assessment and use common sense in programming. Do this and you can change lives. #MovementAsMedicine