The Best Rep Scheme Known to Man

Jim continues to have such a successful, healthy life because he follows the best rep scheme known to man, “3 x 52. 3 times per week, 52 weeks per year” @charliereidfitness
Nothing too sexy here. Just Jim, showing up, consistently and doing everything that matters from beginning to end. Here’s a little research about some of the anti-aging effects of a good, consistent strength training program.
“RMR, body composition, and plasma concentrations of certain hormones known to affect RMR were measured before and after a 16-wk heavy-resistance strength-training program in 13 healthy men 50–65 yr of age. Average strength levels, assessed by the three-repetition maximum test, increased 40% with training. Strength training helps offset the loss in muscle mass and strength typically associated with normal aging. Additional benefits from regular exercise include improved bone health and, thus, reduction in risk for osteoporosis; improved postural stability, thereby reducing the risk of falling and associated injuries and fractures; and increased flexibility and range of motion. While not as abundant, the evidence also suggests that involvement in regular exercise can also provide a number of psychological benefits related to preserved cognitive function, alleviation of depression symptoms and behavior, and an improved concept of personal control avid self- efficacy. It is important to note that while participation in physical activity may not always elicit increases in the traditional markers of physiological performance and fitness (e.g., V̇O(2max), mitochondrial oxidative capacity, body composition) in older adults, it does improve health (reduction in disease risk factors) and functional capacity.”
R. Pratley, B. Nicklas, M. Rubin, J. Miller, A. Smith, M. Smith, B. Hurley, A. Goldberg
Journal of Applied Physiology Published 1 January 1994 Vol. 76 no. 1

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