Teaching the KB Swing from the Top Down:

Teaching the KB Swing from the Top Down:

I am a firm believer that when someone has trouble learning a movement pattern that it’s best to teach the START and FINISH position of the lift and everything in between will take care of itself.

If you’ve tried Kettle Bell Swings yourself or have clients that you have taught. You may have found yourself running into the same movement faults that I have had while training people.

COMMON faults with Kettlebell Swings:
     ➡Client does not achieve full hip extension at the top position
     ➡Or worse, client over extends and puts their lumbar spine at risk
     ➡Client loses tension at the bottom position
     ➡Client loses tension BETWEEN the top and bottom position
     ⬆Most of which are faults of not keeping enough control and tension between the rib cage and pelvis

👉🏻Here is a way to break the swing down to own the movement pattern and load it safely and successfully.

1️⃣Tall-Kneeling Partner ISOMETRIC:
Here my partner @strengthxsweat is trying to push my hands down as I try to resist her
     ➡ This teaches me to stay tall and create as much tension as possible
     ➡ Essentially, all this is is a tall-kneeling plank hold

2️⃣Standing Partner ISOMETRIC:
Same idea as the tall-kneeling isometric but now I’ve invited more joints into the ISOMETRIC

3️⃣Mobility Stick ISOMETRIC into the wall:
     ➡ Thanks to @ianmarkow video post today I can add this to my tool box instead of just using a dowel behind the back.
     ➡ Using the mobility sticks to drive into the wall forces me to continuously create tension at the bottom position

4️⃣Mobility Stick Drive with Hip Hinge:
Here I tie it all together from the top down. I keep as much tension as I can while hip hinging.

5️⃣Kettlebell Swing:
Taking the tools away while being mindful of remembering how I felt while using them.

Try this out with clients that have trouble maintaining full body tension with the swing and see how it works

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