Reverse Plank Walk

Reverse Plank Walk

When programming for personal training clients who workout 52 weeks per year it can often become a battle between principles and entertainment. We need to balance the clients personal goals and their desire to have new and novel training experiences with your steadfast training principles that you believe in.

Great coaches have the ability to balance effective, safe and productive training with unique and creative approaches that will maintain the clients interest.

One principle that seems to go out the window first for many coaches when they feel the need to “enter-train” clients is the idea of “anti-core” training. Coaches and clients alike tend to slide back to repeated crunches, twists and sit-ups when they get bored of the standard serving of anti-extension, rotation and lateral flexion exercises. However I think that with a little creative thinking we can maintain quality exercise selection while still providing clients with a mentally stimulating training experience.

Plank walks are an example of a great multi-planar core stability drill that can challenge the client beyond things like plank, rollout and bear crawl.
When it comes to programming be steady with your principles but flexible in your approach. Strong beliefs paired with creative thinking will give you the ability to train a diverse population of clients in any setting for years to come.

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