Nothing But a Hip-Hinge!

Nothing but a hip-hinge!

Here are a few of many hip-hinge variations:

1. Single-Leg Hip Lift

        2. Single-Leg Deadlift

        3. Trap Bar Deadlift

        4. Kettlebell Swing

        ????The hip-hinge is the most fundamental movement pattern of the hips that everyone must perform properly.

        ????”If you cannot master this sagittal plane movement, then you will compensate in another plane” – most likely spinal rotation. Which is not a motion we want to load our spine in.

        ????In sum, if your hips don’t move – your lower back will.

        ????Many people fear deadlifting. However, mastering the hip-hinge is a great way to prevent back pain simply because we are teaching the body to transfer force (or weight) with a neutral spine.


        ????Strengthen the posterior chain (glutes/hamstrings).

        ????Attempts to balance out anterior chain dominance (quadriceps).

        ????Minimal stress on the knees/ankles.

        ????Allows kinetic transfer of force from the lower body to the upper body.

Overall Goal:

        ????Master posterior weight shift in an attempt to reduce spinal injuries while lifting objects during daily life.


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