KB Loaded Leg Lower

Is that Movement Prep or a Core Exercise? …..Yes.
Isn’t it all really the same thing? Quality exercise choices tend to transcend categories.
Leg Lowering can be a great tool to develop the pelvic stability necessary for opposing hip flexion and extension. I would use this drill as a progression from Band Assisted Leg Lowering where I would use a band to provide assistance to keep the upper leg in flexion.
Personally, I enjoy using this in my hinging prep on days when I‘m bilateral or single leg deadlifting. I’ll often incorporate it into my warm-up along with active mobility drills and some hinge variation prior to starting my deadlift sets.
Finally, this is just a great anti-extension core exercise. As I mentioned above the goal is to develop positional control of the pelvis and ribcage despite the the extension torque cause by the descending leg. I’ll often work this in for clients following mastery of classic Deadbug exercises.
Work these into your programming to help tune up your anti-extension control as well as provide you the abdominal “burn” you and many of your clients are looking for.

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