Incorporating Low Intensity Aerobic Training Into Your Program

Incorporating Low Intensity Aerobic Training Into Your Program
Although, the meat and potatoes of most people’s programs should consist of moderate to high intensity strength training and interval work we should make sure not to discount the value of lower intensity, longer duration aerobic exercise for general population clients.
Benefits of Aerobic/Cardiac Output Training:
– Increase Brain Volume/Improve Memory & Executive Functioning
– Reduce CVD/Diabetes Risk/Reduce Blood Pressure/Resting Heart Rate
– Improve Depression/Anxiety Symptoms
– Active Recovery between Intense Training
Including 30 min to 1 hour of low intensity (~120-140 bpm)steady state work a few times per week can be a huge game changer for your long term health and general well being. I recommend finding an activity that you LOVE and ENJOY doing to promote consistency and the sensation of play into your exercise routine.
Today, I personally chose to slideboard and ride 15 miles on the Assault Bike. While I know thats not most peoples idea of a good time I actually enjoy it. However, my go to activity whenever possible would actually be hiking ???? ????.
Some other options that might work well for you..
Cycling ????????‍♀️
Swimming ????????‍♀️
Boxing ????
MMA ????‍♂️
Team Sports w/ friends..????????⚽️????????????????
The big picture should be finding an activity that you enjoy that can moderately elevate your heart rate consistently for 30 min to an hour a couple times per week while supplementing your normal strength and conditioning program.
Try adding a little extra aerobic work to your week and let us know what your go-to option is in the comments!

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