Frontal Plane Hip Mobility

Frontal Plane Hip Mobility Most gym-goers completely neglect frontal plane movements for traditional sagittal plane exercises. Training in the frontal plane is important for overall hip mobility and the reduction of adductor injuries. I use the progressions below for all of my hockey players, field sport athletes and martial artists to develop open and closed chain control of the hip in the frontal plane. 1). Adductor PAILS/RAILS – Actively contract the adductor into the floor at end range abduction for 1 minute. Immediately afterwards, actively pull yourself deeper into the stretch while actively abducting the hip for 1 minute. Perform this with various angles of hip rotation to stress all directions of the connective tissue. 2). Straight Leg Controlled Articular Rotations (CARS) -Keep maximum tension around the joint throughout the entire movement. Move slowly and work to explore the largest range of motion into adduction as possible. Perform 8 reps each side. 3). Abduction Passive Range Lift Offs – Bring your hip to end range abduction. Perform short isometric holds, working to lift the leg slightly higher on each repetition. Perform 10 reps each side. 4). Eccentric/Isometric Lateral Squat Progressions – Slowly lower yourself into the lateral squat emphasizing the eccentric portion of the movement. Hold at the bottom for 3-5 seconds before returning to standing. Perform this with various angles of hip rotation to stress all directions of the connective tissue. @kev_in_carr @movementasmedicine @collectmomentsnotthingz @sanchise387 For more information on these concepts look into @drandreospina’s work.

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