Fine Tuning the Tactical Frog: If you’re looking for more hip mobility and want to guard against future hip capsule or SI joint injuries the Tactical Frog is for you. Two important notes on this movement: 1) If your client has a lumbar extension pattern, make sure to activate the diaphragm through forced exhalation to prevent exacerbating their lordosis. 2) Work on pressing your hips down into the ground, isometrically contracting the adductors, glutes and hamstrings throughout the movement. Start by practicing regular hip rocking with full hip flexion and extension before adding in the toe touch portion of the Tactical Frog. Begin the toe touch by internally rotating one hip, bringing the knee and hip into full extension and tapping your nose to your contralateral hand. Breathe out through the mouth as you reach for the tap and reset between each repetition with a hip rock. You should sink slightly deeper into your hips with each reset rock. Keep breathing throughout the drill and continuously work deeper into your end range. This drill will be uncomfortable, however you should work on breathing and progressively working through “sticky spots” in the movement. If you are experiencing impingement pain stop immediately and regress to PAILS/RAILS and CARs to improve hip range of motion. -@scottyg003 @movementasmedicine @kev_in_carr @collectmovementsnotthingz @sanchise387 A video posted by Movement As Medicine (@movementasmedicine) on Dec 15, 2015 at 1:29pm PST
Fine Tuning the Tactical Frog: If you’re looking for more hip mobility and want to guard against future hip capsule or SI joint injuries the Tactical Frog is for you. Two important notes on this movement: 1) If your client has a lumbar extension pattern, make sure to activate the diaphragm through forced exhalation to prevent exacerbating their lordosis. 2) Work on pressing your hips down into the ground, isometrically contracting the adductors, glutes and hamstrings throughout the movement. Start by practicing regular hip rocking with full hip flexion and extension before adding in the toe touch portion of the Tactical Frog. Begin the toe touch by internally rotating one hip, bringing the knee and hip into full extension and tapping your nose to your contralateral hand. Breathe out through the mouth as you reach for the tap and reset between each repetition with a hip rock. You should sink slightly deeper into your hips with each reset rock. Keep breathing throughout the drill and continuously work deeper into your end range. This drill will be uncomfortable, however you should work on breathing and progressively working through “sticky spots” in the movement. If you are experiencing impingement pain stop immediately and regress to PAILS/RAILS and CARs to improve hip range of motion. -@scottyg003 @movementasmedicine @kev_in_carr @collectmovementsnotthingz @sanchise387
A video posted by Movement As Medicine (@movementasmedicine) on Dec 15, 2015 at 1:29pm PST
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