90/90 Femoral Control AKA “Seated Hip Openers”
Lately, I’ve been enjoying incorporating this femoral control drill with all my clients. Many people have poor open chain femoral control. Often this can lead to nasty hip problems like FAI, Hip Flexor Strain and the dreaded “sports hernia.”
Following 90/90 position PAILS/RAILS that I learned in Functional Range Conditioning with @drandreospina I immediately move to executing these controlled articular rotations on the internally rotated hip.
Phase 1: 90/90 Seated Hip Rotations w/ Hand Assisted External Rotation
I like initially using this assisted external rotation position with clients because the flexed torso and hand assisted external rotation on the downside hip makes the drill a little bit easier. Focus on breathing throughout the drill, maintaining a stiff spine and keeping the knee pinned to the ground with the hand. Go extra slow and focus on drawing knee up toward the chest and pressing the knee outward into external rotation as far as possible at the top.
Phase 2: 90/90 Seated Hip Rotations w/ Active External Rotation
After the client has mastered the previous position have them sit up right and remove the hand pressure on the externally rotated hip. This position requires much more oblique strength and femoral control to execute correctly. Maintain active pressure into external rotation with the downside knee and keep the torso upright and as still as possible. Continue to breathe steadily, move slowly and explore the largest range of motion possible.
I tend to prescribe this drill for 5-10 repetitions per set on each hip. I often use this for clients with chronic hip injuries as well as a daily joint movement prescription for some of my healthy clients. You may cramp a bit when doing this drill, it’s ok! Thats your body saying “I’VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!” Shake it out, and give it another go!