MBSC Linear Warm Up

Here is a snippet of our linear warm-up at @bodybyboyle

Dynamic Warm-Ups are a great opportunity to…
– Teach movement skills and to prepare the body for speed work
– Take musculature through full range
– Increase body/muscle temperature

  • Bear Crawl:
    – Active dorsi-flexion
    – Hip, shoulder and torso stability
    – Hand to eye coordination
    – Prone ground based walking
  • Inchworm:
    ????Active hip and spinal flexion
    ????Complements the teaching of “uniform” spinal curvature development (or re-development)
    ????Hamstring stretch
  • Reverse Lunge to Hamstring Stretch:
    ???????? Complex movement – many things going on here
    ????Active shoulder flexion
    ????Glute & Hamstring activation in pull back
    ????Anterior Hip (Quadricep) Stretch
    ????Deep unilateral hip flexion in bottom position
  • High-Knee Walk:
    ????Posterior Hip Stretch
    ????Anterior Hip Stretch on the supporting leg
  • Leg-Cradle:
    ????Dynamic posterior capsule stretch
    ????External rotators stretch
    ????Anterior Hip Stretch on the supporting leg
  • Straight-Leg Walk:
    ????Dynamic Hamstring stretch
    ????Powerful contraction and activation of hip flexors
  • Straight-Leg Skip:
    ????”Adds the rhythmic skipping action to the straight-leg walk and increased dynamic stretch of the hamstring” @michael_boyle1959
  • High-Knee Run:
    ????Hip flexor activation
    ????Anterior tibialis activation
  • High-Knee Skip:
    ????Hip flexor and extensor warm-up
    ????General coordination

@bodybyboyle @movementasmedicine@perform_better

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