Shuttle Jumps are one of the best investments you can make if you frequently work with injured clients.

Shuttle Jumps are one of the best investments you can make if you frequently work with injured clients.
The road back from lower body injury should eventually return the client to some sort of impact related activity. To varying degrees both athletes and average joes need to develop explosive power and the resiliency to absorb force eccentrically.
As in any training and rehab program we should look to follow the basic principles of progression.
➡️ Static to Dynamic
➡️ Unloaded to Loaded
➡️ Supported to Unsupported
The MVP Shuttle can be a great tool to help bridge the gap from static strength to dynamic jumping and hopping by providing support and progressive resistance to the client. The ability to control the eccentric load allows us to progressively load the tissues in the lower body until we can move the cliebt to regular unsupported jumping and hopping progressions. Additionally, the supported nature of the apparatus can provide psychological support to a client returning from injury who may have fear around returning to impact activities.