Keeping Your Hips and Spine Healthy

Here is what I do every day to keep my hips moving and spine healthy.

90/90 Hip Rotations:
– Begin seated with both legs at 90 degree angles
– Raise the back leg slowly and rotate the back foot around so it meets the front foot
– Return back to the starting position
🔺ALL while trying to keep the front knee in contact with the ground in external rotation.
🔺As well as still of a torso position as possible.

Alternating 90/90:
🔹Begin in the same seated 90/90 position
🔹Open up the hip unilaterally and while trying to maintain contact with the ground with the opposing leg
🔹Once end range is reached – then proceed to lift the other leg and rotate around

3-Point Stance Glute Activation:
🔹Place your knee in-line with your opposite sided foot and hands underneath the shoulders
🔹 Raise your foot off the ground and hold

Hip-Flexion Holds:
🔹Get into a half-kneeling position with 2 dowels or mobility sticks
🔹Keep the arms fully extended and drive the dowels into the ground
🔹Lift the front foot off the ground and hold

Half-Kneeling Hamstring-Activation:
🔹Get into a half-kneeling position with 2 dowels or mobility sticks
🔹Keep the arms fully extended and drive the dowels into the ground
🔹Pull your heel towards your glute and hold

🔺The goal here is to move as slowly as possible! Give your muscles and body the opportunity to learn the movement!

🔺Warning: Get ready to cramp!