How we use the Coregeous Ball from @yogatuneup
I’ve always been a fan of Jill Miller’s work but I really fell in love with the Coregeous Ball after her hands on workshop in Germany last month. The ball is a simple and effective tool to work on sensitive surfaces and the tacky surface on the ball can create good fascial stretch when applied directly to the skin.
Scroll through the videos to see our favorite drills!
1). Serratus/Intercostals/Lat ⤵️
The anterior rib cage can be a sensitive and dangerous place to use aggressive soft tissue tools. The ball works wonders here because you can sink into it and breathe, applying gentle pressure against the shoulder and respiratory muscles. I especially like this for clients who lack overhead shoulder range of motion and present with rib flare.
2). Abdomen/Pelvic Bowl ⤵️
The abdomen and hip flexor is an area we spend a lot of time working on with our soccer and hockey athletes. However this region is a no fly zone for hard tools and aggressive work (umm descending aorta anyone?). Placing the ball on the lower abdominal wall/pelvic bowl can allow you to sink deep while not causing too much pain or over pressuring the organs. Deep breathing here can create gentle respiratory driven movement of the underlying tissues.
3). Sternum/Medial Pec ⤵️
Everyone ignores the medial pec! As a clinician I’ve seen the medial attachments create angia like symptoms and disrupt breathing mechanics. The ball accomodates well to the flat, bony surface of the sternum. Cue the client to completely relax over the ball and breathe into it. I experience a huge change in my overhead range of motion after addressing medial pec tension.
4). Superficial Backline/TL Junction ⤵️
We find that many of our athletes have overdeveloped erectors due to years of lifting, running and jumping. A great way to restore proper tone into these tissues is to create a fascial drag with the ball while taking deep breathes. Have the athlete work the entire length of the spine particularly focusing on the mid erectors.