Daily dose of movement therapy for my desk bound friends.
Chin Packing:
- Tuck your chin in toward your sternum
- Think double chin and not sexy!
T-Spine Rotations:
- Knees out – sit your butt down to your heels
- Forearm flat on one side
- Other arm reaches across your ribs
- Eyes follow the moving shoulder – return back to neutral – repeat for 8-12 reps on each side
- The key here is to mobilize the upper back
🔹Anterior core activation
🔹Chin stays packed (like the first clip)
🔹Lock your rib cage down to your belly-button
🔹Squeeze your glutes and abdominals as hard as you can
🔹Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth (8 strong breaths)
🔹Create as much tension as possible
Single-Leg Hip Lift:
🔹Glute activation
🔹The closing angle at your knee should be about 90 degrees
🔹Opposite hand pushes into your knee and knee pushes back into your hand
🔹Drive you’d hips up towards the ceiling
🔹Squeeze the glute of the working leg (down leg)
🔹Toes up on the working leg
🔹Crush your abdominals
🔹Hold for 10 seconds – repeat 5 times on each side
🔹Focusing on the front foot
🔹Front foot stays flat or close to it.
🔹Your weight should push your knee out laterally (away from your body).
🔹Think – drive the knee out toward the pinky toe
🔹Do these everyday and let me know how you feel!