Struggling to find time to hit the gym?

Happy Tuesday!
Busy week ahead?
Is your schedule already getting the best of you?
Struggling to find time to hit the gym?
As complexity increases outside of the gym it’s often best to shift towards simplicity inside of it. When time gets tight choose to simplify your training in an effort to promote consistency. We all have finite amounts of time, energy and discipline so don’t make getting to the gym more difficult than it has to be when life gets hectic.
🔹Pick 2-3 Big Rock Exercises from Different Categories. Think: Squat, Deadlift, Split Squat, Push-Up, Bench, SLDL, TGU, Row, Chin-Up etc
🔹 Use a moderate intensity load for 2-3 sets for 5-10 reps. Perfect reps, grease the groove. 4-7 RPE for difficulty.
🔹 Use a heavy load for 1-2 sets. These should feel difficult but there should be no missed reps. RPE 6-9.
🔹 30-45 minutes. Get in and get out.
Strength is a skill that can’t be built in a single workout. Instead it must be refined through small, high-quality efforts done CONSISTENTLY. Everyone is busy but in reality everybody can set aside 30 minutes to train. Just because you can’t fit in your normal program doesn’t mean a short workout is useless.
Perfection is the enemy of progress when it comes to training.
Get in, focus in on a 2-3 major movements at moderate to high intensity and then go on about your day.